Genealogical Society of Douglas County, Inc.
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Records:  1 to 30 of 30

Actions Surname   Given Name Age Birth Year Death Year Burial Year
Listing Detail   Carr Millie C.      1930  
Listing Detail   Donaldson Dollie      1929  
Listing Detail   Donaldson William C.      1947  
Listing Detail   Roberts Hannah      1897  
Listing Detail   Sams Ivan Osman      1938  
Listing Detail   Sams Ivan Osman      1938  
Listing Detail   Sams Lena Irene      1996  
Listing Detail   Sams Lena Irene      1996  
Listing Detail   Smith Ann Elizabeth      1877  
Listing Detail   Smith Dorothy Elizabeth      1983  
Listing Detail   Smith Esther      1937  
Listing Detail   Smith James Pitzer      1936  
Listing Detail   Smith James         
Listing Detail   Smith John L.      1889  
Listing Detail   Smith Lewis N.      1931  
Listing Detail   Smith Miller         
Listing Detail   Smith Susan Esther      1898  
Listing Detail   Smith Virginia Lee      1953  
Listing Detail   Swanson Frances A.      1993  
Listing Detail   Swanson Lloyd A.      1975  
Listing Detail   Wells Anna E.      1904  
Listing Detail   Wells Elsie Lena      1955  
Listing Detail   Wells Flora      1925  
Listing Detail   Wells Francis F.      1931  
Listing Detail   Wells George Otto      1876  
Listing Detail   Wells Ira T.      1968  
Listing Detail   Wells Ira      1892  
Listing Detail   Wells Louisa M.      1882  
Listing Detail   Wells Mary T.      1948  
Listing Detail   Wells Mildred E.